March 2: Milling out basswood for the shaft.
March 3: Snowshoed up the hill to get some
curved fresh branches for a grip. Got a few
from a maple tree top that recently blew down.
Also got a branch off a hemlock.
March 3 Decided to go with the hemlock it being
lighter in weight. Peeled and dried two sections
after sealing the ends with waterproof glue.
March 4: Glued the two half's of balsa together
to get 18" by 8". Then cut out the profile with
the bandsaw.
March 6: Glued up four strips of basswood to
form the shaft. There is a 1/2" square hole
down the center.
Added 16" plug into the blade end of the
shaft to allow blending the shaft with
the blade.
Cut the four corners off the rectangular
shaft to approximate an oval.
Cut a slot into the blade end of the shaft
for the balsa blade.
Worked the shaft into oval cross section with
draw knife and spokeshave for lower part.
Upper section nearing the grip area worked
it into round cross section.
March 10: Glued the blade into the end of the shaft;
using Titebond 3 waterproof glue.
Weight is now 13.5 oz
March 11: Ordered carbon fabric 5.7 oz 3k 2x2
Twill 50" wide. 24$ plus 6$ shipping.
March 15: Received fabric. Laid it out into 10
by 20 inch pieces, that will yield 7 pieces.
March 13: Epoxied 3/16" nylon cord around the
complete blade.
March 14: Mixed epoxy and basswood flour to
consistency of peanut butter. Used to form
the fillet between the shaft and blade.
Paddle weight is now 14.75 oz
March 17: Added two layers of carbon fabric to
one face.
10;00 PM removed most excess fabric around edge of
blade while the epoxy is still green.
Weight: over 16 oz.
March 18: Added one layer of fabric to other side.
March 20: Still epoxying...now have three layers on
each side. Only two to go.
March 21: Added one layer of fiber glass on the side with only three carbon layers.
Added carbon powder to epoxy to get black surface. This will be the power face.
March 22: Added braided carbon biaxial sleeve to shaft.
Drilled hole in grip and glued plug into the shaft and grip. Coated the grip with
epoxy and carbon powder.
March 23: Sanding rough spots. Added a little epoxy, silica, and carbon powder to
rough area where the sleeving overlaps the blade.
Done. Weight....weighing both paddles crudely by balancing
on a dowel with bottle of water on the other end I get:
This paddle 31 ozs.
Same paddle in ash, cherry, and fiberglass 37.5 ozs.
Difference of only 6.5 ozs. equals 70$/6.5 ozs = 10.77$ per oz.
Next one will be basswood and fiberglass.
Cost: About 70$ for the materials.
Also see:
"Building a Carbon Fiber Greenland Paddle"
by Duane Strosaker.
My other projects:
Building a paper canoe
How to make a paddle from a log
How to make a kayak paddle from a log